Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Canadian themed drinks night

The night before Sally's wedding, her parents threw a party in their apartment on the beach. Because "team Canada" had just won the Canada/ Australia olympics, (I missed this pre wedding event, as I was too busy missing my flight at SYD airport, probably a good thing as I would have no doubt been a jet lagged liability, uncoordinated at the best of times)... Anyway, the night's theme was Canada, especially for the Canadian guests and winning olympians... It was a bit connfusing, as it was organized by Aussies, based on their perceptions of Canadian themes. There was, in their defence, Molson, and The Tragically Hip on the play list. I spent the night running away from Sally's uncle Lenny, who with a twinkle in his eye was chasing me around keeping my drink full to the top, and telling off color jokes. I don't think I made it much passed 10pm, and did a sneak off back to my room, as all I could think about was bed.. I needed my beauty sleep before Sally's big day..